Anything that annoys you… (Quote)

Anything that annoys you is for teaching you patience. Anyone who abandons you is for teaching you how to stand up on your own two feet. Anything that angers you is for teaching you forgiveness and compassion. Anything that has power over you is for teaching you how to take your power back. Anything you hate is for teaching you unconditional love. Anything you fear is for teaching you courage to overcome your fear. Anything you can’t control is for teaching you how to let go and trust the Universe.

Jackson Kiddard

I need to unplug and recharge for a bit.

So, this upcoming weekend, I will be disconnecting myself. Tomorrow, as soon as I’m done with work, I’m going to turn off my laptop, desktop, and just chill with a friend of mine who I haven’t seen in a couple of years.

I have a meeting with someone on Monday, and then after that, I’m going to my home town. I had been planning this for over a month. I haven’t been home for more than a day in almost three years. I’m going to intentionally disconnect while I’m there.

However, instead of me renting a car, a friend is going to take me so that I can save some money.

I will have my phone, but I’ll be using it for taking photos and for media purposes only. I’m going to turn off background syncing of items and my notifications will be disabled.

I’m going to use my PTO as I’m supposed to… Completely off from work. πŸ˜‰

Maybe some time out in the country will do me some good. I’ve been inside the city for quite some time. (Side item: yes, I went to San Antonio a couple of months ago, but it was still a city…)



Suddenly, my mind stopped racing…

Suddenly, my mind stopped racing and I could finally live in the moment. It happened without thought or planning… I was just sitting there, drinking my coffee, and then it just happened. I didn’t plan for any of this to happen. Then, out of the blue without prompting, it was as if everything stopped and I felt peace. I was looking at the beautiful people sitting outside the cafe, wondering what their conversations were about because I had my earphones in and blasting music. Today, everyone seems beautiful to me in their own way. Maybe this is what I’ve been needing or seeking.

Inside the restroom, some graffiti on the wall mentioned “what you seek is seeking you”. I wonder why they wrote that today, I know it was written today because the walls were clean earlier this morning. It was as if the Universe was reaching out to me through a stranger’s words.


via Daily Prompt: Suddenly

The Music

The music moves you, almost as if it was written for you at to hear at the specific moment that it reaches your ears. The rollercoaster of emotions that it invokes makes your mind spin in circles. You get the familiar feelings of nostalgia and then you remember what it felt like to fall in love… The sweetness of the feeling warms your heart while past heartache fades away into the farthest reaches of your mind.

You try to be rational, but that’s a lost cause, for your heart is anything and everything but rational. Suddenly, your attention is diverted away from it all as your body moves back and forth to the beats in the newfound anthem of your life. The pain is suddenly gone, replaced by the positive energy found in the tranquil melody. Between each note change, you’re reminded of the love, the hate, all that is wrong and right with the world… Its beauty overtakes you to the point of ecstasy while you fight back the tears of joy.

You really needed to hear it when you did… Because it reminds you of why you’re alive. You live for this feeling that is indescribable in just a few words… Except, maybe you can convey the emotion in a few words, only if they could be mixed in a blender: hope, freedom, peace, love… Maybe it’s just serenity that you’ve found… even if it’s just in the moment.

Shhh. Be quiet, or they’ll hear us…

“Shhh. Be quiet, or they’ll hear us,” she said in a whispered voice. I then exclaimed, “I have no shame!” Suddenly, she started talking in a normal speaking voice. I explained to her that sometimes I have volume control issues. She laughed it off, but she also realized that I was being serious. Throughout our conversation, she kept looking at me inquisitively as if she was repeating every word and questioning what I said back to herself in her own mind. Later that night, she surprised me by repeating something I had said back to me verbatim when I asked her for her opinion on something. It was her way of letting me know that she understood me. Most of all, this action told me that I mattered and I already had the answers to my own questions: even if I didn’t want to realize it. It seemed that our conversation had gone in a small circle, but it was slightly different this time around because of the small changes in the topic. The conversation flowed on its own without either of us feeling forced to say anything. Instead of small talk, I have yet to have a lackluster conversation with this woman. She understands me and doesn’t judge me for anything. Pure and unconditional acceptance allows us to talk about any topic without fear of embarrassment.

Have a meaningful conversation with someone today and actually listen to them rather than just hearing them. Active listening is a long-lost art form that should be practiced as often as possible.

via Daily Prompt: Conversation