Suddenly, my mind stopped racing…

Suddenly, my mind stopped racing and I could finally live in the moment. It happened without thought or planning… I was just sitting there, drinking my coffee, and then it just happened. I didn’t plan for any of this to happen. Then, out of the blue without prompting, it was as if everything stopped and I felt peace. I was looking at the beautiful people sitting outside the cafe, wondering what their conversations were about because I had my earphones in and blasting music. Today, everyone seems beautiful to me in their own way. Maybe this is what I’ve been needing or seeking.

Inside the restroom, some graffiti on the wall mentioned “what you seek is seeking you”. I wonder why they wrote that today, I know it was written today because the walls were clean earlier this morning. It was as if the Universe was reaching out to me through a stranger’s words.


via Daily Prompt: Suddenly

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