Happy New Year to everyone that could potentially read this!
My mother always told me that what you’re doing on New Year’s Eve will have an influence on your activities for the rest of the year.
I think that if this evening will be an indication of what I’ll be doing, then I won’t mind it that much as I’m working and writing this New Year’s Eve. In addition, since I don’t drink alcohol, I won’t have a hangover when I wake up so I can get a head start on some resolutions.
By only having a few resolutions, it will be easier on me for the next year to realize all of them. I’m a creature of habit. If I have too many changes at once, I think that I would become stressed out which would make it more difficult to change. If a habit can be formed in less than 30 days, then why not make it a healthy one for a change?
In 2018, I will:
- Get my license and a car
- Get in better shape and maintain it
- Write more often
In 2017, I accomplished a few things:
- I got a better job.
- I moved out on my own.
- I met some really cool people.
- I have quit smoking habitually. (However, I still vape and I have a cigarette every now and then.)
- I have realized that I can be independent, even if it is awkward at first.
Some psychologists say that being “too positive” for the New Year is a bad thing as when you don’t realize your goals, it leads to a negative experience. I have to respectfully disagree. I know that I won’t get all of the goals I’ve set forth all in the first month. You can take the entire year to get the goals done and some of the resolutions can’t be solved in a day or even a month, so it’s always good to be realistic. I know that I won’t be able to get into better shape in just a week!
I’m going to change the way that I live. It’s going to be a brutal first month. Rather than twiddle my thumbs, I’m going to start putting my spare time to better use. I don’t know what the year has in store for us, but I wish nothing but the best for all of us. I’m optimistic that it will be better than the last.