Having a little patience can pay off in the long run.

For about two months, I was searching for a new job. I have no hard feelings for the company that I was with, but I needed to find something with more hours.

One day, after sending out almost a hundred applications, I finally came to a realization that I would get a job that’s right for me when I needed it. At that moment, I stopped worrying about everything.

I have a family who loves me, a few great friends, and a caring partner. 

I didn’t need to worry about anything anymore.

Worrying doesn’t accomplish anything but give you stress.

As long as I stay sober, do everything that’s asked of me, show up to work and pay for my current bills, then everything will work out.

I’ve got a new job that I start next week and I’m looking forward to it. 

By having patience and not worrying too much about life, I’ve come to the realization that everything will work out ok in the long run. As long as I’m breathing, life is good. 🙂

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